Spe­cial­ized Tur­bo Levo Pro


The all-new Spe­cial­ized Levo Tur­bo Pro gives you an unpar­al­leled com­bi­na­tion of ride qual­i­ty, usable pow­er and range. It is a bench­mark for E‑MTBs world­wide.

The Tur­bo Full Pow­er 2.2 motor and Mas­ter­Mind Tur­bo Con­trol Unit (TCU) effec­tive­ly and smooth­ly ampli­fy your pow­er by four times. The Levo breaks lim­its of range, and lets you ride fur­ther than ever before. The spe­cial­ly tuned sus­pen­sion with 150 mm rear sus­pen­sion and adjustable geom­e­try pro­vide a sta­ble and nat­ur­al feel in every sit­u­a­tion. Because at the end of the day, it’s your expe­ri­ence that counts.

  • The new Tur­bo Levo embod­ies the per­fect com­bi­na­tion of tuned chas­sis, sus­pen­sion, geom­e­try and motor assis­tance — all adding up to an incred­i­ble rid­ing expe­ri­ence.
  • The Mas­ter­Mind Tur­bo Con­trol Unit (TCU) is the hard­ware and soft­ware that con­trols how the motor, bat­tery, bike and you inter­act. It enables real-time sup­port tun­ing while you ride and dis­plays all rel­e­vant data. The Mas­ter­Mind TCU also allows over-the-air updates to help your bike get bet­ter over time. In addi­tion, the TCU can com­mu­ni­cate with your Mis­sion Con­trol app for advanced tun­ing, on-trail diag­nos­tics and more.
  • The mul­let set­up with a 27.5″ wheel in the rear and a 29″ wheel in the front results in an extreme­ly nim­ble ride.
  • The new Tur­bo Levo fea­tures six geom­e­try set­tings that make it easy to adjust to your rid­ing style and improve per­for­mance on any ter­rain.
  • The 160150 mm of trav­el (150÷150 mm for frame size S1) pro­vides amaz­ing respon­sive­ness and effi­cient use of pow­er.
  • Thanks to S‑Sizing, you can choose the frame size based on your rid­ing style, not just the inside leg length.



StemDeity, 35.0mm

Roval Tra­verse SL Car­bon, ris­er bar, 6‑degree upsweep, 8‑degree back­sweep, 30mm rise, 780mm, 35.0mm

Han­dle­bar grips

Deity, Knuck­le­duster, Black


Bridge, 155/​143mm, Hol­low Ti-rails


FOX Trans­fer, 30.9, S1: 100mm, S2: 125mm, S3: 150mm, S4/S5: 175mm, S6: 200mm


Front brakeSRAM Code RSC, 4‑piston caliper, hydraulic disc, S1-S3: 200mm, S4-S6: 220mm
Rear brakeSRAM Code RSC, 4‑piston caliper, hydraulic disc, 200mm


Rear dérailleur

Sram X01 Eagle, 12-speed


SRAM XG-1295 Eagle, 10 – 52t

Gearshift lever

SRAM XO1 Eagle trig­ger, 12-speed, sin­gle click


SRAX X01 Eagle, 12-speed

CranksetPrax­is Car­bon M30, cus­tom off­set, 160mm

SRAM X‑Sync Eagle, 104 BCD, 34T, steel



Stan­dard, Pres­ta Valve

Front wheelTra­verse Car­bon 29
Rear wheelTra­verse Car­bon 27.5
Front tire

Butch­er, GRID TRAIL cas­ing, GRIP­TON® T9 com­pound, 2Bliss Ready, 29×2.6″

Rear tire

Elim­i­na­tor, GRID TRAIL cas­ing, GRIP­TON® T7 com­pound, 2Bliss Ready, 27.5×2.6″



Spe­cial­ized Tur­bo Full Pow­er Sys­tem 2.2 Motor


Cus­tom charg­er, 42V4A w/​Rosen­berg­er plug, 100 – 240V


Spe­cial­ized Mas­ter­Mind TCU, per­cent­age of remain­ing charge, 120 pos­si­ble dis­play con­fig­u­ra­tions, Micro­Tune assist adjust­ment, over-the-air updates, ANT+/Bluetooth®, w/​Handlebar remote


Spe­cial­ized M3-700, Inte­grat­ed bat­tery, 700Wh

Wiring har­ness

Cus­tom Spe­cial­ized wiring har­ness


FrameFACT 11m full car­bon, 29″ front wheel, 27.5″ rear wheel, full inter­nal cable rout­ing, 148mm spac­ing, ful­ly sealed car­tridge bear­ings, 150mm of trav­el, geo adjust head tube, geo adjust horst piv­ot
ForkFOX FLOAT 38 Fac­to­ry 29, Grip2 damper, 44mm off­set, HSC, LSC, HSR, LSR, 110x15mm, 1.5″ tapered steer­er, 160mm trav­el, Kashima
Seat­post clampAlloy, 38.6mm

Land­ing gear


FOX FLOAT X2 Fac­to­ry, LSC, LSR, 2‑position lever, 55x210mm, Kashima



SWAT CC steer­er tube inte­grat­ed tool with chain tool and link

* Spez­i­fika­tio­nen sind Änderun­gen vor­be­hal­ten




45′11″ — 5′3″150 — 160S1
5′2″ — 5′8″157 — 173S2
5′5″ — 5′11″165 — 180S3
5′8″ — 6′2″173 — 188S4
5′10″ — 6′4″178 — 193S5
6′2″ — 6′8″188 — 203S6